SDEV 2420: C# Programming 2

This course was a continuation of C# Programming 1. It began with using properties and indexers, then moved to things such as collections and generics, and then finished with covering events, tasks, and LINQ.

Overall, I thought that this was a great continuation and it made me feel even more confident about programming with C# since I used a lot of basic things learned in the first course in this course. Things that I felt somewhat comfortable with in C# Programming 1 became even more solidified in this course, such as using arrays from other classes. I did struggle a lot with tasks in this course, but by the end I think I got the hang of it. I think that my favorite things that I learned were properties, since that makes it a lot easier to assign variables, and LINQ, because I liked learning how to order data that I may put in a list.

This was also the course that really made me realize that I understood the things that baffled me so much in CS 1400. A lot of the assignments had arrays and object oriented programming, and I moved through them like they were the easiest thing to me and went on to learning the new challenges. It was a big break through in my education for me.