This course started out using online resources to teach a general overview of commands for a Git command line. It went over everything from moving the head, rebase your branches, and cherry-picking. Then it moved on to talk about remote work and how to merge everything together and update when someone may have finished work ahead of you and you have to pull in the updates before you can push your work forward.
The second part of the course went over using Git with a GUI, which I found was definitely easier for me to use than the command line. The third and final part of the course went over using Git in Visual Studio, which was nice because that is the IDE that we use in class.
Overall, I really did find this course useful because it opened my eyes on what I need to do to be able to work with open source projects and collaborate with other people. That way I can get real world experience outside of what is assigned in the classroom. But I also feel like this course was a bit of a failure. It barely scratched the surface on how to use Git. It has left me with a lot to still learn about using Github and really get proficient at working in a team enrionment using Git controls. I feel like more than 30 hours should be devoted to teaching Git because of how important it is to development both inside and outside of companies.