This course is an overview of programming basics, using the Visual Basics programming language and Visual Studio. It taught everything like loops, if/else statements, arrays and array lists, and using Visual Studio to make responsive applications for various things.
This course was very different from my CS 1400 course. In that course, we did minimal work with actual pop up applications with buttons and interaction. Most of the programs were run through the compiler. I found that this type of learning was more useful for me because while there may be plenty of code running in the back of web sites, most user interaction is done with applications that may pop up or you enter in your information and click a button for it to work the way that it is supposed to.
Here, I really feel like I learned key concepts that carry over to many different programming languages and it really helped me to learn things that I felt like I was missing in the courses at Weber State, but I also still found that I struggled with arrays and understanding those concepts.